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New Years Resolutions

New Years Resolutions

Do you make resolutions? Most of us brush them off quite quickly as we never tend to follow through with them, so why claim a resolution?

All we are doing when we create our resolution list is resolving to make change. That is huge! If you know something isn't working in your life, perhaps it is your weight, not spending enough time with your family or perhaps changing careers...whatever it is, it has your attention and needs to change.

So how do you make sure you are more successful this year as compared to years past? Perhaps the one thing that we don't do with these resolutions is write them down. There is plenty of information out there that shows that your goals if written down will have greater chance of coming to fruition than if just verbalized. Another key part of your resolution, whatever it may be is to have someone, preferrably someone that knows you but is not a family member, to help keep you accountable to your goal/resolution. Nine times out of ten we are trying to keep ourselves accountable and for me personally it hasn't ever worked.

So weather it is to lose weight, drink more water or quit smoking, make sure you write it down everywhere. The more you see the reminder of what you have resolved to do, the more energy you send to the change. And remember to call your friend and let them know what you are going to change and when you are going to have the change finalized. Everyone needs a cheerleader in their corner. Why not start today?


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